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潘 先生 (+86)158 6765 3608




Egg conveying lines

Egg conveying lines are automated systems designed for efficiently transporting, grading, cleaning, drying, and packaging eggs. Here are the components and workflow of an egg conveying line:

Main Components:

  1. Loading Station: Eggs are loaded onto the conveyor belt from farms or storage areas.
  2. Grading Machine: Automatically grades eggs based on size and weight.
  3. Cleaning Machine: Cleans eggs using gentle water flow and potential sanitizers.
  4. Drying Section: Dries the egg surface using air movement or heating elements.
  5. Crack Detector: Detects and removes eggs with cracks or damage.
  6. Packing Station: Automatically places eggs into trays or cartons in specified quantities.
  7. Sealing Machine: Seals the packaging to ensure protection during transportation.
  8. Quality Inspection Station: Conducts a final check to ensure correct packaging and labeling.
  9. Palletizing Machine: Neatly stacks the packaged eggs onto pallets.
  10. Control System: Monitors the operation of the entire line to ensure automation and coordination.


  1. Egg Loading: Eggs are placed on the conveyor belt, beginning their journey through the line.
  2. Automatic Grading: Eggs are automatically sorted into different channels based on size and weight.
  3. Cleaning Process: Eggs pass through the cleaning machine to remove dirt and impurities.
  4. Drying: Cleaned eggs move through the drying section to remove surface moisture.
  5. Crack Detection: Uses lights and sensors to detect eggs with cracks.
  6. Packing: Qualified eggs are automatically directed to the packing station and placed into trays or cartons.
  7. Sealing: The packaged eggs go through the sealing machine for closure.
  8. Quality Inspection: A final check is conducted on the packaged eggs.
  9. Palletizing and Storage: The packaged eggs are stacked onto pallets by the palletizing machine, ready for storage or shipment.

Egg conveying lines enhance the efficiency of egg handling, reduce manual operations, and ensure the quality and safety of eggs throughout the processing and packaging stages. With technological advancements, these lines can integrate more intelligent features such as machine vision and automated robotic technology.

Egg conveying lines automate the grading, cleaning, drying, and packaging of eggs, ensuring consistent quality and safety. They integrate sorting, inspection, and palletizing processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual labor, while advanced technologies like machine vision support high-speed, accurate operations.


潘 先生

(+86)158 6765 3608


Email: Assemblyline@qq.com


